New Builder Homes Only
Two Percent Cash Back
Register me as you agent when visiting a New Builder for the first time. Buyer pays me no fees Or Commission. Builder pays me 3% commission of which the buyer get 2% towards closing costs or Down payment
Anywhere in Texas
New Builder Homes
I am a licensed Real Estate Agent in the state of Texas. Visit any New Builder Home Representative and put down my name as you Realtor. Builder pays me 3% commission. At the time of closing, I will issue a Realtor rebate of 2% from my commission, thereby, reducing funds needed to close your transaction. Please see the example on this page.
Purchase Price 300,000.00
Commission to Agent: 9,000.00
Commission rebate to the buyer: 6,000
Saleem Devshi of Realm Real Estate Presents
Sell Your Home
I can assist you with sale of your existing home as well.Your property will be listed on MLS within 5 days of signing a Listing Agreement with Professional Photographs
Free Registration
Please make sure you sign in my name when visiting any New Home Builder. Registration with them is always free from any commitment to buy their property.
Free Market Value Analysis
I can provide you a free market analysis of your current home even if you are not in a hurry to buy your next property. No Charge, No Fee for Market Analysis